
Who is missing from this page? Let us know in the box below!


Southampton Springs, Streams, Seas and Waterways

Discovering and celebrating our natural water sources, streams, wells, rivers and sea in and around Southampton.

Web: https://southamptonsprings.wordpress.com/map/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southamptonsprings

Chessel Bay Local Nature Reserve

The Bay is the only remaining long stretch of undeveloped, natural shoreline in the lower Itchen river. 

Web: https://chesselbay.org.uk/

Friends of Chessel Bay

Friends of Chessel Bay are mostly local people who work with the City Council to help maintain and care for Southampton's first Local Nature Reserve (LNR). This usually means coming to organised litter picks to clear the large amount of rubbish that accumulates along the shore. The group has no formal membership.

local community contact: Rose Nicole
Email: chesselbayfriends@gmail.com
Twitter: twitter.com/BayChessel
Website for the Nature Reserve: https://chesselbay.org.uk/


Friends of the Itchen Estuary

Friends of the Itchen Estuary is a charitable association, founded in June 2023, whose aims are to be an advocacy, campaigning, and community engagement group for the Itchen Estuary’s natural value including its
1. biodiversity and ecology
2. value for mental and physical well-being
3. recreational value
4. carbon emissions mitigation value
5. capacity for urban cooling
Friends of the Itchen Estuary will strive to improve and enhance the Itchen Estuary’s natural value for the benefit of current and future residents of Southampton, for visitors to Southampton, and as a contribution to the global preservation and protection of biodiversity and climate change mitigation.
Activities include
1. Citizen Science centered campaigning for an end to sewage pollution
2. Promotion of a vision for Southampton's largest blue/green space, founded in its great natural value and rich social, cultural, and economic history.
3. Active participation in biodiversity protection and enhancement.

We can be contacted via friendsofitchenestuary@gmail.com or 'Friends of the Itchen Estuary' on Facebook. A website is under construction.

Surfers Against Sewage

We campaign on water and wave quality from sewage, plastic pollution, climate change and beyond. Our team of voluntary regional reps and plastic free community leads make grass root change locally. In Southampton we are working in a collaboration with multiple organisations to remove nurdle pollution and restore Chessel Bay. 

Web: https://www.sas.org.uk/ and https://beachcleans.org.uk/

Email: southcoast@sas.org.uk

Southampton City Council Flood Risk information


All Aboard - Saturday 15th June 2024 - 14.00-19.00

Another day of watery theatricals and music around the St Denys, Bitterne Park stretch of the river Itchen. Find yourself a Kayak, canoe , boaty floaty thing to make the most but the riverside greens will be venues too



Itchen Tides - Community Tide News

Community website including tide times, flood preparation advice etc



Rainwater Harvesting

A Southampton Superhome which includes rainwater harvesting and many carbon saving upgrades

Web: https://superhomes.org.uk/homes/j-adrian-pickering/ 

Station Walks Books

Published in conjunction with Three Rivers Rail Partnership and MyJourney Southampton - available from rail stations and October Books - for some lovely walks that take in our local rivers.


Transition Southampton Water Group

About us: The aim of the Transition Southampton Water Group is to reconnect people with the water in our city and to raise awareness of our impacts on the water in our environment. We provide advice on how water is used in our daily lives and what changes we can make to reduce this; water use in our homes, embodied or virtual water in the products we use and the water in our environment. We hope to encourage and inspire a truly integrated and holistic approach to water management in our maritime city.

Web: http://www.transitionsouthampton.org

Email: water@transitionsouthampton.org





PLEASE TELL US about any other Southampton green businesses, community enterprises or community groups that should be here by using the form below - and update us on changes to any of the above.

Contact the Southampton Climate Action Network