Our members form a coalition of all the groups and enterprises that are working together for a sustainable, thriving city.
If you support SoCAN and would like to network and contribute to climate action and conversations, then please sign up to join this site (top right of this page). This will allow you to post events and activities on a shared calendar and post content on the noticeboard. We are developing a more formal membership structure, but in the meantime, please note our Guiding Principles:
We ask our Members to agree to the below principles, in order to be part of SoCAN:
- Our overall goal is for Southampton to be an environmentally sustainable and regenerative city
- We take evidence-based action to tackle issues around climate change, biodiversity loss and associated challenges and encourage others to do the same
- We embed holistic approaches, such as Doughnut Economics, into all our work and encourage others to do the same
- We aim to be a mutually supportive place, where people can explore issues in a collaborative way, and act together.
- We aim to be a broad and inclusive organisation, rooted in Southampton and reflect the city’s diverse communities.
- We support and develop creative and just means for people to participate in issues associated with our goals and governance.
- We appreciate that people can have a range of views. However, we will not support initiatives that ignore the climate and biodiversity challenges we face, or undermine the goal of reaching net-zero by 2050.
- Our Steering Group, recruited from our Membership, ensures that we are focusing on priorities for work that could have the most impact.
People often ask “what can I do”, “How can I get involved?” This is our list of key requests for action:
- GENERATE CONVERSATIONS - Encourage evidence-based dialogue around climate change, biodiversity loss and associated environmental challenges. Southampton needs to see significant reductions in climate emissions, more space for nature and develop resilience to impacts of climate change such as flooding, heat waves and sea level rise.
- GET ACTIVE - Join a green community group in the city e.g. Transition Southampton, Southampton National Park City, Greenpeace, Cycle Campaign or any of the other groups (see logos below)
- KEEP YOUR EAR TO THE GROUND - Join us via the home page of website - this will give you updates on events and our work
- AMPLIFY OUR MESSAGES - Follow us on Facebook and share/comment, share our film Local is the New Global, help share our messages via other social media platforms, encourage others to do all this too.
- COME TO OUR EVENTS AND GET TO KNOW US - Come to our informal gatherings and our workshops, or attend events that green groups in the city are involved with.
- TELL US HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET INVOLVED WITH SOCAN - You may wish to take a role in helping us deliver our action plan or keeping us on track. We have various roles available and we want to hear from you what is right for you. That is why we encourage you to get to know us through our informal gatherings and other events.
If you know of any green enterprises or community groups that should be here, please do invite them to become members of the site.
Our Members include: