Southampton Climate Action Network (SoCAN)

Working together for a sustainable, thriving city

Here is our new film! Local is the new global is our way of seeding new ideas for our city - it's about Doughnut Economics and Community Wealth Building and how these ways of looking at our future can help us choose the just, fair and regenerative path for ourselves and those who come after us:

Enjoy it and share it and talk about it - together we SoCAN!

local is the new global

Thanks to our partners:

collage of partners

Hello, we are Southampton Climate Action Network (SoCAN), a community website for sharing information, resources, ideas, and connections about climate change in the City of Southampton. The network is a coalition of community groups, organisations, businesses and individuals that promotes Southampton's work towards becoming an environmentally sustainable and regenerative city.

If you support the above and would like to network and contribute to climate action and conversations, then please sign up to be a member of this site (top right of this page). This will allow you to post events and activities on a shared calendar, post content on the noticeboard, connect with other SoCAN members and network on discussion forums.

If you know of any green enterprises or community groups that should be here, please do invite them to become members of the site. If you have any other questions and queries or if you would like us to add your organisation's logo to our members section, please send us a note in the enquiry form below.

Like and follow our Facebook Page

We have seasonal climate gatherings, which are advertised via our Events Calendar page, along with events run by other organisations that are part of our climate action network. There is no need to book for our climate gatherings; just turn up. See our Eventbrite page for our latest bookable events

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Who is behind SoCAN? 

SoCAN is run by a small team of Steering Group members. You can get in touch with us by emailing

Our Steering Group is comprised of local specialists including:

Clare Diaper (Co-Chair) is a community connector and change maker with people and planet at the heart. Clare has many roles in different organisations in Southampton including The Southampton Collective CIC, October Books and Transition Southampton.

Rebecca Kinge (Co-Chair) is a community development worker with a particular interest in health and sustainability. She has a background in town planning and place making. She is part of The Southampton Collective CIC. She represents SoCAN on the Southampton Climate Commission and is a link person with the Southampton Green Network. She also helps organise Southampton Coproduction Corner, a community of practice exploring ways to work together better.

Liz Batten is a founder member of SoCAN and has been instrumental in establishing SoCAN’s Community Wealth Building and Doughnut Economics Community of Practice.

Christelle Blunden is a GP, part-time coordinator for Southampton National Park City and environmental activist. 

Lyn Brayshaw is an eco-home owner, co-ordinator for Southampton Greenpeace, joint- coordinator of Southampton Friends of the Earth, as well as chair of Southampton Cycling Campaign.

Suzie Carley is one of SoCAN’s newest Steering Group members.

Jon Coello works for Cirevo, and is an environmental scientist and software engineer.

Angela Cotton is co-chair of Transition Southampton as well as a member of Southampton Friends of the Earth and AXO (Airport Expansion Opposition). She runs Southampton Repair Café, which currently operates on four sites across the city, and is an active member of Southampton Cycling Campaign.

Jaimie Harris is one of SoCAN’s newest Steering Group members.

Irene Macwilliam is a supporter of SoCAN and was involved in establishing SoCAN using the Doughnut Economics approaches, bringing her many years of consultancy experience.

Ruth Magennis has lived and worked in Southampton for 7 years, getting involved in community engagement and direct action campaigns in the city. She is passionate about engaging communities in grassroots projects that have positive impacts on our built and natural environment.

Lucy Marum works for Cirevo and is an environmentalist with expertise in scientific communications, market research and project management.

Ian Rothwell has lived in Southampton for over 20 years and until recently was the Investment Manager for a small Responsible Finance provider, lending to co-operatives and community owned businesses. Prior to this, he was the Southampton City Centre Manager.  Before moving to Southampton, Ian lived in Nottingham where he set up a wholefood co-op in the 1980s; worked with the community in an inner city area in the 90s; and served as a local councillor.

Peter Ray is Managing Director of Business Architecture 365 who are an independent consultancy service specialising in Sustainable IT. 

Tammi Sinha is one of SoCAN’s newest Steering Group members.

Contact the Southampton Climate Action Network