Southampton Cycling Campaign Monthly Rides

Sunday 19 January 2025
09:45 to 13:30

Usually 3rd Sunday of month, but also extra rides, see annual list here:
All welcome on our sociable, easy-paced rides in the Hampshire countryside — they are fun, friendly and FREE.
Sunday rides usually assemble at 9.45 and set off promptly at 10am, and finish at the start location around 1:30pm (if a half day). All are half day and circular rides, usually 16-18 miles, unless indicated otherwise. Half day rides always have a coffee stop and all day rides a lunch stop.
All rides include a mix of quiet roads, country lanes, off-road cycle paths and bridleways, so suitable for hybrid/mountain bikes. Children over 10 yrs welcome with an adult. See the link
Contact Lyn
Cost 0