
### COP29 march & social ###

Saturday 16 November 2024
10:45 to 14:00


This event is being organised alongside the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.
World leaders are heading to COP 29. Please join us!
Gather 10.45am to the sounds of XR Rhythms for 11am start outside MAST (Mayflower Studios) in Guildhall Sq.
You could bring: shaker, drum, cup, placard.
You can join us earlier at 10am - 11am for Mothers* Rebellion
11am Welcome then march to Bargate & back with detours - bring placards or borrow one of ours. It will be busy - the city is full of fairground rides - but we want to be seen.
Maybe around 12.30 Into MAST (Guildhall Sq) where we have some free food (& they sell food & drink too). We'll do a quick 1 min talk from lots of groups in Southampton then semi-structured socialising and networking.
MAST bar is open until 2pm & we can stay longer in their lovely seating area. They are expecting us. Food options include £8 paninis, pizza or chilli, £4 soup.

If you can marshal, be there by 10.30am (& bring a reflective jacket if you can).
Any Q to
Please share widely!
- protest against the continued failure of 29 COPs (Climate Summits);
- encourage activity in local environmental groups;
- network and make friendships;
- have fun making a noise chanting and singing.
stop press: We've got a little grant from the Climate Justice Coalition, so we can offer nibbles to those who stay to network after. If that's not an incentive to get involved, we don't know what is!
Contact Lyn B
Guildhall Sq