A picture of a banner and flags made for SoCAN by Sue Badcrumble

Summer Climate Gathering

Thursday 11 July 2024
18:00 to 19:30

We invite you to Southampton's third Climate Gathering - a gathering of people who want to make a difference. The event is open to all individuals and groups around Southampton who are involved (or want to be involved) in working towards a greener, better Southampton and a better future for our beautiful planet.
There’s no agenda, it’s just an opportunity to gather, meet and share. Share our concerns, share our successes, and share our hopes and dreams for a better future. So many groups around the city all work so hard, with little time and space to simply be together. So we are creating a space and opening it up.
We’ll have a few nibbles to share. Feel free to bring a small edible (vegetarian or labelled vegan) contribution if you wish but it’s not expected or required. Bring your own drink (anything you fancy drinking), and you could bring a deckchair or picnic mat.
We look forward to gathering, sharing, and being together.
Contact Rebecca Kinge
Pettinger Gardens (the green by the water)
South East
SO17 2WL
(view map)
Cost Free