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Local is the new global: film premiere

Monday 17 June 2024
17:00 to 19:30

Using the compass of Doughnut Economics, and the potential of Community Wealth Building, cities can become regenerative and flourish.

Book here: Local is the new global: film premiere Tickets, Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite

We've known for a while that the capitalist economy isn't working for the common good, but what is the alternative? This film shows us how to build an economy fit for the 21st century.

Combining conversations about Doughnut Economics and Community Wealth Building, this film shows a pathway to a thriving city which doesn't break the planetary boundaries. Join us for the first public showing of this unique film which gives us hope for the future and a compass to take us there. Local businesses who have already started on this route will talk about their experience too.

Businesses, the local authority, health and education services, community organisations and social enterprises – you are invited to help start a collaboration which will transform local prosperity and action on the climate.

Our thanks to Southampton City Council - Southampton Pound, Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, Centre for the South, University of Southampton, Southampton Collective, Transition Southampton and other anonymous donors for their support for this event.

And our grateful thanks to Paul Maple, who made this film.

Sir James Matthews Building
Guildhall Square
SO14 7NN
(view map)
Cost Free - book through