Lectio Divina: Praying with the scriptures

Lectio Divina: Praying with the scriptures

Friday 20 October 2023
19:30 to 20:30

The Green Living Group (United Reformed Church Avenue St Andrews and the City Centre Catholic Parish) invites you to join us to pray with the scriptures on our Care for God’s creation.

We are organising three sessions of lectio divina:

Friday 22 September, The beauty of God’s creation;

Friday 20 October, Care for God’s creation;

Friday 17 November: Care for our neighbours.

Can attend in person or via zoom. 

For more information and to let us know if you plan to attend please email Tina tquinn@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk or Dominic d.tildesley7@gmail.com.

St Edmund’s Parish Hall, The Avenue (between 12 and 13 Rockstone Place)
SO17 1XJ
(view map)
Cost Free but please RSVP by using emails above.