Transition Water Talk Poster

Transition Talks on Water - Water in the Landscape

Wednesday 19 April 2023
18:50 to 20:00

We face multiple challenges regarding water. Chaotic global weather now impacts us all from the national, through to the regional and down to the domestic. It’s easy to forget about floods when we have droughts and vice versa. Too much or too little and not at the right time or in the right place. There’s now no such thing as ‘waste water’; there’s shortages somewhere. This series of talks takes a deeper look at this important issue.

The first talk on 19 April by Dave Rumble, CEO of the Wessex Rivers Trust, will cover the watery landscape of our local catchment, the significance of the chalk aquifer and its streams, and how groundwater and surface water interact. Trends in rainfall, water use and river flows will be explored, and how these combine to impact the health of our water environment, together with water quality problems and resilience to drought and flooding.

All talks at the Lounge, Highfield Church Centre, 6.50 for 7pm start. No need to book, just turn up.

Talks are free but as hall hire is kindly being funded by a local resident we would appreciate donations towards his costs.

More details on the full series of talks here: 

Highfield Church Centre, Highfield Lane
SO17 1RL
(view map)
Cost Free, but donations welcome.