Expansion Rebellion book talk

Saturday 11 June 2022
11:00 to 12:00

Join Celeste Hicks in the shop to hear a story of hope in the face of widespread consternation over the global climate crisis


For many people concerned about global warming, the 2018 vote by UK parliamentarians to proceed with plans for a third runway at Heathrow  was a devastating blow. Aviation was predicted to make up 25% of the UK's carbon emissions by 2050, so the decision seemed to fly in the face of the UK's commitment to be a climate leader.

Can the UK expand Heathrow airport, bringing in 700 extra planes a day, and still stay within ambitious carbon budgets? One legal case sought to answer this question. ‘Expansion Rebellion’ traces the dramatic story of how the case was prepared -  and why international aviation has for so long avoided meaningful limits on its expansion.


Celeste Hicks is a freelance journalist and author. She was the BBC correspondent in Chad for many years               Sign up via Eventbrite to attend this FREE ENTRY event https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/author-talk-expansion-rebellion-by-celeste-hicks-tickets-333684608647


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