Fridays For the Future: Global Climate Strike!

Friday 25 March 2022
11:00 to 15:00

Come and join the global climate strike to call for the end of fossil fuels and to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit!

People in cities all over the round will be striking together on this date, so join us and help make a change, and explain to your school/college/university/employer why you are striking.

This will be a family-friendly event so all ages are welcome

Event schedule:                                                             

  • 10.30am: Opportunity to make protest placards at John Hansard Gallery from 10.30am onwards.
  • 11am: Speakers and stalls                                                   
  • 12:30pm: March                                                                   
  • 1:30-3pm: Speakers and stalls

Eventbrite link: Fridays For Future Climate Strike Tickets, Fri 25 Mar 2022 at 11:00 | Eventbrite

Contact Extinction Rebellion Southampton
Guildhall Square
Above Bar Street
SO14 7DU
(view map)